Pooyan Tabatabei presents "Walking on a Blade," a photojournalism project documenting the impacts of COVID-19 on Iran's marginalized communities. Image courtesy of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago. United States/Canada, 2020.
Pooyan Tabatabei presents 'Walking on a Blade,' a photojournalism project documenting the impacts of COVID-19 on Iran's marginalized communities. Image courtesy of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago. United States/Canada, 2020.

Educators are invited to join bestselling author Steven Johnson and the Pulitzer Center education team for a conversation about Extra Life, a multi-platform project that traces the modern history of life expectancy on Thursday, May 13 5:00-6:00pm EDT. We will share a conversation with Johnson and curricular resources for bringing this exciting new project—which includes a book, a TV series on PBS, and a special issue of The New York Times Magazine—into your classroom. Register for this special event here!

For more curricular materials connected to "The Living Century" and "Extra Life" by Steven Johnson, visit www.pulitzercenter.org/thelivingcentury.

Want to connect your students directly with a journalist who can shed light on public health issues around the world? The following journalists can share a range of expertise, from explaining the science of epidemics to sifting through misinformation on health crises to uncovering the causes and impacts of health inequities. To schedule a free visit with your class, reach out to us today!

Pulitzer Center journalists who have reported on the COVID-19 pandemic include...

  • Melba Newsome, a journalist who is reporting on inequities in vaccine distribution and the role of race in vaccine hesitancy.
  • A member of WBEZ’s reporting team, journalists who are tracking inequities in vaccine distribution in Chicago.
  • Valentina Oropeza, an investigative journalist who has been conducting a data journalism project on the impact of COVID-19 on people in Venezuela.
  • Journalists from the Howard Center for Investigative Reporting, who have been reporting on the toll of evictions and homelessness on vulnerable communities' health.
  • Kai Kupferschmidt, a science journalist who focuses on infectious diseases.
  • Pooyan Tabatabaei, a photojournalist who has been reporting on how the pandemic is affecting Iran's marginalized communities.
  • Vaishnavi Chandrashekhar, a journalist who has been reporting on how stigma makes it harder to fight epidemics.
  • Emily Fishbein and Kyaw Hsan Hlaing, journalists who reported on how civil war has impacted Myanmar's COVID-19 response.

Pulitzer Center journalists who have reported on other public health issues include...

  • Poonam Daryani, a public health practitioner who reported on Zika and Congenital Zika Syndrome in Brazil.
  • Emily Baumgartner, a science/medicine reporter at the LA Times who reported on Yellow Fever in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Isabella Gomes, a journalist and epidemiologist who reported on access to health care for victims of human trafficking in the U.S.
  • Safina Nabi, a multimedia journalist who reported on how Kashmiri women are fighting the stigma of birth control and family planning resources.
  • Rebecca Hersher, a radio journalist focused on health issues who reported on cholera in Haiti.
  • Esther Ruth Mbabazi, a photojournalist who reported on a spike of Nodding Syndrome in Uganda.
  • Anton Delgado, a journalist who has reported on the resurgence of leprosy in Brazil.
  • Neha Wadekar, a writer who reported on the connection between COVID-19 and rising cases of female genital mutilation in Kenya.
  • Carl Gierstorfer, a multimedia journalist who reported on Liberia's fight against Ebola.

Is there another way we can support you and your students in leading discussions about public health? We'd love to brainstorm with you! Reach out to the K-12 outreach team by emailing [email protected].

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Health Inequities

Health Inequities